Using Science to Optimize Sleep, Learning & Metabolism | Episode 3
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Using Science to Optimize Sleep, Learning & Metabolism | Episode 3

Main Takeaways

  1. Neurons in the eyes adjust to blue-yellow contrast of rising and setting sun, making it difficult for low-level light sources to impact sleep rhythm.
  1. Red light flashes can repair mitochondrial function in photo receptors, improving vision.
  1. Dim red light can benefit mitochondrial repair later in the day and night without disrupting sleep cycle.
  1. Behavioral tools and direct outdoor exposure can improve sleep before using light products.
  1. Melatonin signal regulates our body's adjustment to day length, and light inhibits melatonin, making a balance in light exposure crucial.
  1. Adequate sunlight and avoiding bright light at night can reduce stress levels, and aerobic exercise should be optimized based on individual schedules and preferences.
  1. Neuroplasticity can improve daily routines like waking up and sticking to a schedule, but excessive exercise can cause sleep disturbances.
  1. Specific tones or scents during learning followed by the same cue during sleep can enhance retention.
  1. Short naps and NSDR can improve retention, but identifying specific goals is crucial for choosing the right nootropic protocol.
  1. Temperature plays a crucial role in regulating circadian rhythms, and manipulating temperature can shift our internal clock. Additionally, certain foods can affect our metabolism and body temperature, causing changes in wakefulness levels.